Resolution A02 Becomes Policy March 2002 AMDA resolves to develop a position statement to educate and guide physicians and the public regarding the apparent lack of benefit and potential burden of implementing artificial nutrition and...
Resolution B02 Becomes Policy March 2002 AMDA resolves to present the following resolution to the AMA: that the American Medical Association (AMA), in conjunction with AMDA and other interested organizations, develop a proposed procedure...
Resolution C02 Becomes Policy March 2002 AMDA resolves to strongly urge the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to work with vaccine manufacturers in order to develop a mechanism for...
Statement H02 Becomes Policy March 2002 Summary The primary focus of this statement is to: Expand upon AMDA's 2000 position on minimum staffing standards in nursing homes (AMDA House of Delegates Resolution A00); Affirm the value of direct...
Position Statement H03 Becomes Policy March 2003 The American Medical Directors Association has demonstrated a longstanding concern to improve the quality of End of Life care in our nation's skilled nursing facilities and throughout long-...
Position Statement M03 Becomes Policy March 2003 Lisa Boult, MD, CMD; Bruce Dentler, MD, CMD; Ladislav Volicer, MD, CMD; Sharon Mead, MD, CMD and Jonathan M. Evans, MD, CMD writing for the AMDA Ethics Committee. Summary: The primary goal...
Resolution B04 Becomes Policy March 2005 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, AMDA encourage the adoption of the Centers for Disease Control guidelines on the use of alcohol-based hand rubs in long term care settings.
Position Statement E05 Becomes Policy March 2005 For the purposes of this statement, AMDA defines video surveillance as direct electronic visualization of a person or persons and/or events, either real time or for future review by any type...
Resolution B06 Becomes Policy March 2006 BE IT RESOLVED that AMDA support the mission and purpose of the White House Conference on Aging; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AMDA specifically endorse the following WHCoA resolutions as highly...
Resolution D06 BE IT RESOLVED that AMDA identify and work with the appropriate agencies and organizations (such as CDC, CMS, AGS, non-profit vaccine providers) in order to call attention to problems with influenza vaccine administration in...