Video Surveillance In The Long Term Care Continuum

Resolution and Position Statements
March 1, 2005

Position Statement E05
Becomes Policy March 2005

For the purposes of this statement, AMDA defines video surveillance as direct electronic visualization of a person or persons and/or events, either real time or for future review by any type of device. Video surveillance may be with or without the knowledge of those being monitored, and with or without the permission of those being monitored. AMDA does not oppose or condone video surveillance

AMDA believes that video surveillance should only take place after disclosure to all those who may be monitored has taken place. This may be through verbal disclosure, signs at the bedside, signs posted upon entry to the room, or in any other fashion felt appropriate to the environment. In the case of residents, or others who may be monitored, who have been adjudged legally incompetent or to not have capacity to provide consent, the legally appropriate responsible party should be consulted and permission for surveillance obtained after informed consent is provided by those seeking the surveillance.

Additionally, anyone who is to be monitored must agree to the surveillance in order to protect the privacy of visitors, caregivers and others who may be within the range of visualization devices. That agreement should be documented, preferably in the chart of the resident who is the focus of such surveillance.

Any costs incurred in video surveillance, including but not limited to the cost of the electronic devices, posted signs, disclosure statements, approval documentation, etc. should be the responsibility of the person or persons desiring the surveillance.