White House Conference on Aging

Resolution and Position Statements
March 1, 2006

Resolution B06
Becomes Policy March 2006

BE IT RESOLVED that AMDA support the mission and purpose of the White House Conference on Aging; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AMDA specifically endorse the following WHCoA resolutions as highly relevant in the LTC continuum, and monitor implementation of these resolutions as an organizational priority:

  • PC 5 Foster Innovations in Financing LTC To Increase Options Available to Consumers
  • PC 17 Reauthorize the Older Americans Act Within the First Six Months Following the 2005 WHCoA
  • PC 18 Encourage Community Designs to Promote Livable Communities that Enable Aging in Place
  • PC 19 Create a National Strategy for Promoting Elder Justice Through the Prevention and Prosecution of Elder Abuse
  • PC 20 Encourage More Effective Oversight and Accountability at the State and Local Level of Court Appointed Guardians and Conservators
  • PC 25 Encourage the Development of a Coordinated Federal, State, and Local Emergency Response Plan for Seniors in the Event of Public Health Emergencies or Disasters
  • PC 29 Promote Enrollment of Seniors Into the Medicare Prescription Drug Program With Particular Emphasis on the Limited-Income Subsidy
  • PC 30 Develop a Coordinated, Comprehensive LTC Strategy by Supporting Public and Private Sector Initiatives that Address Financing, Choice, Quality, Service Delivery, and the Paid and Unpaid Workforce
  • PC 31 Apply Evidence Based Research to the Delivery of Health and Social Services Where Appropriate
  • PC 32 Evaluate Payment and Coordination Policies in the Geriatric Healthcare Continuum to Ensure Continuity of Care
  • PC 33 Promote the Importance of Nutrition in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and Management
  • PC 34 Improve the Health and Quality of Life of Older Americans Through Disease Management and Chronic Care Coordination
  • PC 35 Enhance Provider and Consumer Education About Alcohol and Substance Abuse and Appropriate Treatment
  • PC 36 Improve Recognition, Assessment, and Treatment of Mental Illness and Depression Among Older Americans
  • PC 39 Improve Health Decision Making through Promotion of Health Education, Health Literacy, and Cultural Competency
  • PC 40 Attain Adequate Numbers of Healthcare Personnel in All Professions Who are Skilled, Culturally Competent, and Specialized in Geriatrics
  • PC 41 Support Geriatric Education and Training for All Healthcare Professionals, Paraprofessionals, Health Profession Students, and Direct Care Workers
  • PC 42 Promote Innovative Models of Non-Institutional LTC
  • PC 46 Promote Innovative Evidence-Based and Practice-Based Medical and Aging Research
  • PC 47 Encourage Appropriate Sharing of Healthcare Information Across Multiple Systems
  • PC 50 Strengthen and Improve the Medicaid Program
  • PC 51 Strengthen and Improve the Medicare Program
  • PC 52 Educate Americans on End of Life Issues
  • PC 54 Optimize Medication Management Programs
  • PC 55 Improve Patient Advocacy to Assist Patients in and Across All Care Settings
  • PC 61 Promote the Integration of Health and Aging Services to Improve Access and Quality of Care for Older Americans
  • PC 62 Develop Incentives to Encourage the Expansion of Appropriate Use of Health Information Technology
  • PC 67 Develop a National Strategy for Supporting Informal Caregivers of Seniors to Enable Adequate Quality and Supply of Services
  • PC 69 Implement a Strategy and Plan for Accountability to Sustain the Momentum, Public Visibility, and Oversight of the Implementation of 2005 WHCoA Resolutions; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AMDA work with WHCoA AMDA Policy and Advisor Board members, other organizations such as AGS and the Coalition for the Continuum of Care, and AMDA state affiliates so these implementation strategies can be put into place.