Parkinson's Disease & Psychosis In The Paltc Setting Pocket Guide (Set of 5)


“Parkinson’s Disease and Psychosis in the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Setting” is a new pocket guide developed by geriatricians, neurologists, and movement disorder specialists from AMDA-The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. The guide includes an extensive glossary to clarify terminology related to Parkinson’s Disease (PD), along with sections on recognition, assessment, treatment, and monitoring of PD, along with a special section on PD Dementia and Psychosis. The guide also includes a “LTC Interval History” checklist to help frontline staff quickly note disease-related changes that patients are experiencing and help them easily communicate these changes medical practitioners during visits.


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*The Electronic Copy is in FlipHTML5 format, and is viewable from your PC, tablet and smartphone through your AMDA account.  The Electronic Copy is not downloadable or printable.