Long-Term Care

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Resolution and Position Statements
Resolution B04 Becomes Policy March 2005 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, AMDA encourage the adoption of the Centers for Disease Control guidelines on the use of alcohol-based hand rubs in long term care settings.
Resolution and Position Statements
Policy A09 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that AMDA work with the Georgia Medical Directors Association to establish in the United States Congress an annual national day of recognition for Long Term Care Physicians on March 20th.
Resolution and Position Statements
Policy D12 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the House of Delegates and Board of Directors recognize James Pattee, MD, CMD, for his key contributions to AMDA-Dedicated to Long-Term Care Medicine and his unwavering dedication and support of...
Resolution and Position Statements
Policy B-13 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the AMDA—Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine advocate to the American Medical Association encouraging them to explore strategies for how to best improve access to, and the availability of, high-...
Resolution and Position Statements
Policy I-13 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that AMDA—Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine Board of Directors create a task force to develop a social media policy relevant to long term care.
Brian Richards, PsyD, completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins and realized that the research track wasn’t for him. He found it much more compelling and meaningful to work directly with patients in a clinical capacity. Dr. Richards says...
Anemia is a common problem in the post-acute and long-term care setting (PALTC) and can be associated with increased morbidity and reduced quality of life. Anemia is associated with increased disability, decreased physical performance, decreased...
AMDA Board of Directors President 2016-2017 Susan M. Levy, MD, CMD, AGSF, wants patients and their families to start asking their nursing homes and other facilities if their medical director is an AMDA Certified Medical Director (CMD). “It’s also...
A passion for quality improvement, a creative mind, and an innovative idea. These are the key ingredients in an AMDA Foundation Quality Improvement (QI) award winner. Just ask Marian McNamara, RN, MSN, 2014 award recipient for "Reduction of...