Advance Care Planning

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White Paper
AMDA- THE SOCIETY FOR POST-ACUTE AND LONG-TERM CARE MEDICINE WHITE PAPER A17 SUBJECT: A Practitioner’s Guide to Advance Care Planning Discussions in the Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Setting INTRODUCED BY: Ethics subcommittee and Advance...
DR. JAGGARD DISCUSSES ADVANCE CARE PLANNING ADVANCE CARE PLANNING (ACP) SERIES A valuable tool in assisting patients and their families in navigating the decisions required for advance care planning in the long-term care, assisted living and other...
The Advance Care Planning (ACP) Pocket Card provides a quick reference to discussing advance care decisions with your patients. The professional is assisted in encouraging patients to consider the full range of issues informing the very personal...
Ease the Advance Care Planning Conversation Everything is easier with preparation — even difficult conversations. That’s why AMDA-The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine assembled this comprehensive guide to discussing advance care...
August 14, 2017
The 90-year-old woman in the San Diego-area nursing home was quite clear, said Dr. Karl Steinberg. She didn’t want aggressive measures to prolong her life. If her heart stopped, she didn’t want CPR. But when Steinberg, a palliative care physician,...
May 17, 2017
A fresh look at how Do-Not-Hospitalize (DNH) orders affect the movement of skilled nursing care residents shows those residents with such directives experienced significantly fewer transfers to hospitals or emergency departments (EDs). Report...
October 14, 2016
A study of elderly patients' end-of-life forms found that 69% had at least one section left blank, and 14% indicated the patient wanted comfort measures only, but also that they wanted be sent to the hospital, receive intravenous fluids, and/or...
October 4, 2016
Physicians' Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatments, or POLST, forms often are seen as a way to honor the end-of-life wishes of frail elderly individuals when they no longer can speak for themselves. A study published last week in the Journal of the...
April 14, 2016
Although almost all physicians who treat Medicare beneficiaries think end-of-life and advance care planning conversations are important, many of them report significant barriers to having these discussions with those for whom they care, and 46%...
White Paper
March 2016 Introduction Post-acute care is comprised of medical, rehabilitation and nursing services aiming to restore maximal medical and functional status of patients discharged from hospitals. Long-term care refers to the services and...