Long-Term Care

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June 29, 2016
The long-term care population has grown more diverse in age and ethnicity over recent decades, according to new research published in JAMDA: The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
June 27, 2016
It is estimated that a population of 12 million receives long-term services and supports. A new article by David Stefan, Sheikh F, Mahajan D, et al. published in the July issue of JAMDA reveals important information about the post-acute and long-...
June 16, 2016
JAMDA – The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is now the second most cited journal in Thomson Reuters’ Geriatrics/Gerontology category. The publication’s 2015 impact factor rose to 6.616, a large increase from the 2014 impact factor...
June 15, 2016
The CMS says it has surpassed its goal for reducing the use of antipsychotic medications in nursing homes. Patient advocates, however, are expressing skepticism over the claim.
March 20, 2016
Dr. Steinberg writes about AMDA and the National Day of Recognition for Long-Term Care Physicians: I am blessed to have a job I love. Depending on what kind of mood I am in, I may tell people I am a SNFologist, a nursing home doctor, a...
February 2, 2016
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently released their position statement, "Management of Diabetes in Long-Term Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities," and AMDA President Dr. Nsushira Pandya, MD, CMD, was a co-author. "This position statement...
AMDA Board of Directors President 2016-2017 Susan M. Levy, MD, CMD, AGSF, wants patients and their families to start asking their nursing homes and other facilities if their medical director is an AMDA Certified Medical Director (CMD). “It’s also...
January 27, 2015
AMDA–The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (AMDA) has recommended sub-topics within three of the four previously identified areas of focus for the upcoming White House Conference on Aging
January 28, 2015
The AMDA Foundation, in partnership with the City of Louisville, Louisville Convention & Visitors Bureau and UofL, will host the “AMDA Foundation Town Hall: Learning About Quality Long-Term Care for You & Your Loved Ones,” 12:30-2 p.m.,...
March 2, 2015
Diabetes affects as many as one-third of patients in long-term care; however, due to the wide range of comorbidities and individual medical goals among this population, a single, standard treatment approach is not always the best response.