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Two pieces from the Assisted Living Series: Medication Management Part I: Operations Level , and Medication Management Part II: For Caregivers . Hard Copy Electronic Copy Member n/a $100 Non-Member n/a $135 img { float: left; margin: 15px 20px 15px...
Resolution and Position Statements
Position Statement F03 Becomes Policy March 2003 Physicians, consultant pharmacists, and provider pharmacies play an important role in ensuring optimal outcomes of drug therapy, including provision of appropriate, effective and safe...
Resolution and Position Statements
American Geriatrics Society American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine American Medical Directors Association National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Background At least one in four Americans dies in a nursing home, and...
White Paper
White Paper C08, Becomes Policy March 2008 Background Trends in End-of-Life Care in Nursing Homes Increasing numbers of Americans spend their last days in long term care, with a rise expected from 25% in 1998 to 40% by 2020. 1 For those...
White Paper
Introduction “Person-directed care” is a philosophy that encourages both older adults and their caregivers to express choice and practice self-determination in meaningful ways at every level of daily life. Values that are essential to this...
White Paper
White Paper C11, Becomes Policy March 2011 Introduction Medical directors of nursing facilities/skilled nursing facilities oversee both the implementation of resident care policies and overall coordination of medical care.1,2 There are...
White Paper
White Paper B11 Background and Purpose Nationwide, nursing facility care is changing from long-term custodial care of frail elders to complicated and resource-intensive post-hospital care. The population of people receiving care in nursing...
White Paper
Introduction In 1974, in response to identified quality of care problems, Medicare regulations first required a physician to serve as medical director in skilled nursing facilities and to be responsible for the medical care provided in...
White Paper
1. Introduction Many residents of nursing facilities and other long-term care settings are cognitively impaired and thus may be incapable of making decisions about their medical care. Clinicians providing care for these residents must rely...
Resolution and Position Statements
Introduction The American Medical Directors Association (AMDA) was founded on the premise that physician involvement in long term care is essential to the delivery of quality long term care. Attending physicians should lead the clinical...