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Resolution and Position Statements
RESOLUTION B07 THEREBY BE IT RESOLVED, that AMDA supports performance review conducted under the auspices of the Quality Assessment & Assurance process for all attending physicians caring for residents in long-term care facilities,...
Resolution and Position Statements
Policy G11 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that AMDA - Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine should work with other stakeholders in LTC to investigate, monitor and/or determine specific recommendations ACOs should follow in the following areas to...
Resolution and Position Statements
Policy F-14 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that AMDA—Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine (AMDA) work with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and other stakeholders to address the issue of appropriate use of Quality...
October 18, 2012
Columbia, MD –Oct. 18, 2012 — In October 2012, the National Quality Forum (NQF) Neurology Steering Committee recommended two nursing home measures submitted by AMDA be considered for endorsement. AMDA developed the two quality measures, titled...
January 17, 2013
Columbia, MD – AMDA – Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine (AMDA) is pleased to be joining the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation’s Choosing Wisely® Campaign to encourage conversation between physicians and patients regarding...
January 24, 2013
Columbia, MD — AMDA—Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine (AMDA) has been officially approved for membership in the Long-Term Quality Alliance (LTQA). LTQA was formed three years ago in response to the growing demand for long term services and...
March 11, 2013
Columbia, MD – AMDA – Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine (AMDA) is proud to announce the Board of the National Quality Forum (NQF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of health care nationwide, has approved two nursing...
March 27, 2013
Columbia, MD — AMDA – Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine (AMDA) is proud to announce involvement in two National Quality Forum (NQF) Measure Applications Partnership (MAP) Workgroups. MAP provides suggestions and input to the U.S. Department of...
July 18, 2014
Columbia, MD – AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine recently submitted 21 Urinary Incontinence Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) Implementation Measures to the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse (NQMC) database. Quality...
December 18, 2014
Columbia, MD – The November 2014 issue of Annals of Long-Term Care includes a special article about AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine’s (AMDA) post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) attending physician competencies. The...