Long-Term Care Information Series

AMDA’s information series tool kits are designed to guide the reader through basic geriatric medicine and the post-acute and long-term care environment. For example — how does this condition typically present itself in a frail older person? What is its incidence and impact in post-acute and long-term care? What things should a practitioner consider about this environment that differs from an acute care setting such as workforce, regulations, accessibility of diagnostic equipment, etc.?

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Antithrombotic therapy represents the mainstay of treatment and preventive measures in patients with atherothrombotic diseases. Both the incidence and prevalence of these diseases increase with age. Patients residing in the post-acute and long-term...
Anemia is a common problem in the post-acute and long-term care setting (PALTC) and can be associated with increased morbidity and reduced quality of life. Anemia is associated with increased disability, decreased physical performance, decreased...