We, the undersigned staff of Cadia Healthcare Renaissance in Millsboro, Delaware, would like to support the AMDA “We Are PALTC” Campaign. We have seen firsthand the difference we make in the lives of those we serve. From the 48 year old woman impacted by a dense stroke who is hoping desperately to return to her home, to the 107 year old gentleman who has settled into his new home with us at Renaissance, we face challenges daily as we walk with them on their journeys. This is not a work environment for the weak of heart as we are routinely faced with hard emotions such as sadness, loss, grief, anger, and resentment, just to name a few. The shift hours can be long and responsibilities can be endless. But we all feel fortunate that we have a great team to work with, including our medical director, doctors, and nurse practitioners, and we know that at the end of the day we are the lucky ones who have been given the opportunity to care for those who cannot care for themselves at this stage of life.
Staff of Cadia Healthcare Renaissance