Transitions of Care

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White Paper
March 2016 I. INTRODUCTION The forceful consequence of dementia was referred to as a “tidal wave” at the First World Health Organization (WHO) Ministerial Conference on Global Action Against Dementia in Geneva, Switzerland, where it was...
Resolution and Position Statements
Resolution G-16 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that that AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine adopt as policy that Mental Status be instituted when information is transmitted as patients transition between sites of...
March 6, 2016
AMDA Board Member Kevin O'Neil, MD, CMD, talks about the top three clinical areas AMDA has identified on which assisted living providers need to focus.
Two pieces from the Assisted Living Series: Medication Management Part I: Operations Level , and Medication Management Part II: For Caregivers . Hard Copy Electronic Copy Member n/a $100 Non-Member n/a $135 img { float: left; margin: 15px 20px 15px...
January 19, 2016
Hospital discharges to post-acute care (PAC) facilities have spiked. So have hospital readmissions from PACs, or skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). And that could be deadly, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Post-Acute and Long...
April 24, 2015
The notion that a hospital remains the safest place for old patients dies hard. Many families still believe their aging relatives belong in a hospital when they’re ailing. But 20-plus years of research have documented the risks of hospitalization...
Transitions of care involves the movement of a patient between care settings and the transfer of information with them to facilitate a seamless continuum of care and to enable patients’ wishes to be followed - no matter where in the continuum of...
Resolution and Position Statements
Resolution L93 Becomes Policy December 1993 AMDA resolves that the American Medical Association recommend that the Secretary, in conjunction with health care professionals and skilled care providers, define a subset of patients (or DRGs)...
Resolution and Position Statements
Resolution B02 Becomes Policy March 2002 AMDA resolves to present the following resolution to the AMA: that the American Medical Association (AMA), in conjunction with AMDA and other interested organizations, develop a proposed procedure...