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November 11, 2024
We aimed to assess the efficacy of a person-centered care intervention in improving quality of life (QoL) for people with dementia in long-term care facilities.
November 11, 2024
The Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia in 2019 (AWGS 2019) emphasized muscle mass measurements. In contrast, the Sarcopenia Definitions and Outcomes Consortium (SDOC) prioritizes functional strength and mobility. Therefore, this study aimed to...
November 11, 2024
Advancements in modern medicine have extended lifespans and resulted in many seriously ill individuals receiving intensive, often futile and low-value care. This has transformed the dying experience, with most people dying in hospitals and incurring...
November 6, 2024
To determine whether the risk of nursing home-to-nursing home transfer is higher among long-term nursing home residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), or serious mental illness (SMI), and/or Alzheimer's disease and related...
November 6, 2024
To assess the effectiveness of smart home technologies (SHTs) in preventing and detecting falls among older adults in community and residential care settings.
November 6, 2024
There is a lack of studies on the rate and temporal changes of infections in relation to Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnosis. We studied the infection rate in persons with and without AD yearly 5 years before and after AD diagnosis.
November 6, 2024
Hip osteoarthritis and knee osteoarthritis cause significant disability and pain in older adults, often leading to hip or knee replacement surgery. Prehabilitation programs have been established for these surgeries, but there are few programs for...
November 6, 2024
This meta-analysis aimed to qualitatively analyze the different aspects of the successful aging (SA) criteria and quantitatively assess the rate of SA and its different dimensions among people aged ≥60 years globally to provide a basis for...
November 4, 2024
To assess whether tai chi assisted by the Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE), a novel virtual reality (VR) technology, was superior to tai chi alone in managing chronic pain in older adults. CAVE may offer a promising alternative to head-...
November 4, 2024
There are approximately 55 million people presently living with dementia, a debilitating neurologic illness that is not curable.1 Therefore, improving the quality of life and preventing cognitive decline of people with dementia are important...