Quality Payment Program: APMs Web-Based Training

October 24, 2019
Policy Snapshot

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) posted five Continuing Medical Education (CME) modules on Alternative Payment Models (APMs). Access them by logging into the Medicare Learning Network Learning Management System. Modules include:

  • Quality Payment Program 2019 Overview: Information on the origin and objectives of the program, the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), and Advanced APMs
  • Transitioning to an Advanced APM: 2019 Update: Benefits and features of Advanced APM participation, how to prepare to join an Advanced APM, and resources to help with the transition
  • Quality Payment Program for MIPS APMs in 2019: Overview, benefits of participation, and reporting criteria
  • Quality Payment Program for Advanced APMs in 2019: Identifies the different Advanced APMs, participation and reporting requirements, and information on achieving Qualifying APM Participant (QP) status
  • Quality Payment Program All-Payer Combination Option in 2019: Explains the option, criteria for other payer advanced APM participation, and QP determinations

For more information:

  • Resource Library webpage
  • Contact QPP@cms.hhs.gov or 866-288-8292 (TTY: 877-715-6222)