Quality Payment Program: 2018 CME Modules, Infographics, and Scoring Guide
October 18, 2018
Policy Snapshot
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) posted three new Continuing Medical Education (CME) modules on the Medicare Learning Network Learning Management System for the 2018 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS):
- Improvement Activities Performance Category: Basics, including reporting requirements, scoring, and flexibilities for small and rural practices
- Cost Performance Category: Overview and how CMS calculates scores
- Alternative Payment Model (APM): Overview, scoring standard, and reporting requirements for participants
Here are some additional 2018 program resources:
- Quality Payment Program Participation Infographic: Explains how eligible clinicians can participate in the program for the 2018 performance year
- MIPS Data Submission Infographic: Reviews how eligible clinicians can submit data for the 2018 performance year
- MIPS Scoring 101 Guide: Overview of how each performance category is scored, how CMS calculates bonus points, and how the payment adjustment is calculated based on the final score
For more information, contact the Quality Payment Program at QPP@cms.hhs.gov or 866-288-8292 (TTY: 877-715-6222) and check out the following: