Various mechanisms have been suggested for the age-associated concomitant decline of brain volume and musculoskeletal mass, strength, and function,1 most of which indicate that a decline in one tissue leads to decreased mutual feedback (chemical or...
The December 2019 issue of JAMDA includes 11 articles related to cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease, and other dementias—no surprise, given that 50 million people across the globe have dementia. In 10 years, this number will grow to 82...
Antibiotics are among the most widely prescribed drugs in long-term care facilities, which highlights the importance of antibiotic stewardship (ABS) in this setting. In this article, we describe the experiences with ABS in nursing homes (NHs) from...
Virus infection is underevaluated in older adults with severe acute respiratory infections (SARIs). We aimed to evaluate the clinical impact of combining point-of-care molecular viral test and serum procalcitonin (PCT) level for antibiotic...
The objective of the article is to analyze the effects of the end-effector technology for gait rehabilitation on acute, subacute, and chronic stroke in order to verify the efficacy of the treatment in older people, based on evidence from randomized...