CMS Publishes Advanced APMs for 2018 MACRA Reporting
This week the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a table displaying the Alternative Payment Models (APMs) that CMS operates. In the table CMS identifies which of those APMs CMS has determined to be MIPS APMs or Advanced APMs. As a reminder, MACRA requires eligible clinicians to participate in the Quality Payment Program (QPP) under one of two pathways, MIPS or Advanced APMs. Those that who are qualified practitioners in an Advanced APM qualify for a five percent lump sum bonus and do not have to participate in MIPS. Those who participate in a non-Advanced APM (or what CMS terms MIPS APM) are eligible to receive some credit within the MIPS program but must still participate in MIPS.
At the current time there are no Advanced APMs to directly apply to skilled nursing facility or nursing facility residents. However, programs like CPC+ or ACO Track 1+ are available for those practicing in the Assisted Living or community setting.
The Society is actively working alongside other professional organizations on the development of more physician-focused advanced APMs. We will continue to work with other stakeholders and CMS to move these projects forward.
CMS will modify this list based on changes in the designs of APMs or the announcement of new APMs.
The full table with APMs is available here.