CMS Finalizes Measures under Consideration List for Pre-Rulemaking
December 2, 2016
Policy Snapshot
Each year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) publishes a list of quality and cost measures that are under consideration for Medicare quality and value-based purchasing programs and collaborates with the National Quality Forum (NQF) to get critical input from multiple stakeholders, including patients, clinicians, commercial payers and purchasers, on the measures that are best suited for these programs. This year’s Measures under Consideration (MUC) List contains 97 measures that have the potential to drive improvement in quality across numerous settings of care.
- CMS is considering new measures for nursing homes, hospitals, clinician practices, and dialysis facilities, among other settings, and continues to focus on important measures of patient outcomes, appropriate use of diagnostics and services, cost, and patient safety
- 39 percent of measures on the MUC List are outcome measures
- An increased number of measures were submitted for consideration by specialty societies CMS invites review of the MUC List in detail and to participate in the public process during the Measure Applications Partnership (MAP) review.
For More Information:
- 2016 MUC List
- Pre-Rule Making webpage
- NQF website for MAP purpose, meetings, deliberations, and voting
The Society will be reviewing the lists that are under consideration.