Check Your Initial 2020 MIPS Eligibility on the QPP Website
You can now use the updated Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Payment Program Participation Status Lookup Tool to check on your initial 2020 eligibility for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).
Just enter your National Provider Identifier, or NPI, to find out whether you need to participate in MIPS during the 2020 performance period.
Low Volume Threshold Requirements
To be eligible to participate in MIPS in 2020, you must:
- Bill more than $90,000 a year in allowed charges for covered professional services under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS)
- Furnish covered professional services to more than 200 Medicare Part B beneficiaries
- Provide more than 200 covered professional services under the PFS
If you do not exceed all three of the above criteria for the 2020 performance period, you are excluded from MIPS. However, you can opt-in to MIPS and receive a payment adjustment if you meet or exceed one or two, but not all, of the low-volume threshold criteria. Alternatively, you may choose to voluntarily report to MIPS and not receive a payment adjustment if you do not meet any of the low-volume threshold criteria or if you meet some, but not all, of the criteria.
Find out whether you’re eligible for MIPS today. Prepare now to earn a positive payment adjustment in 2022 for your 2020 performance.
Note: The 2020 Eligibility Tool Update for QPs/APMs will be updated at a later time. Additionally, the tool will be updated in late 2020 to indicate final MIPS eligibility.
For more information
- Visit the How MIPS Eligibility is Determined webpage on the QPP website
- View the 2020 QPP Final Rule Overview Fact Sheet
Questions? Contact the CMS Quality Payment Program at 1-866-288-8292, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM-8:00 PM ET or by e-mail at: To receive assistance more quickly, consider calling during non-peak hours—before 10 AM and after 2 PM ET. Customers who are hearing impaired can dial 711 to be connected to a TRS communications assistant.