Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related syndromes (ADRS) were significantly less likely to receive basic diabetes monitoring — and were more likely to experience diabetes complications — than those without ADRS in a longitudinal...
Emergency department (ED) visits in the last year of life for people with dementia are common and increasing in the United Kingdom, according to a retrospective cohort study linking clinical and administrative data.
Not long ago, I attended a professional meeting with a predominantly physician attendee list. I was a little surprised to see a colleague — a well-respected palliative care doctor — sporting a large “No Hugs” button, which I’d never seen before.
The Trump administration recently released its fiscal year (FY) 2019 budget. The budget signifies the Administration’s priorities and can set the stage for future policymaking by Congress. Congress’ process for federal spending for FY 2019, which...
Eric Hasemeier, DO, CMD, is one of those rare individuals who from an early age has sought after his purpose in life. He always felt an obligation to help others and to make a difference in people’s lives.
MEMBERS ONLY CONTENT Login or Join Spotlight: Meet the Society's New President "The Society is becoming the soft place to land for those who work in PALTC. We have always been welcoming, and it's the reason I got involved with the Society. This is...
In response to the deepening opioid crisis, Congress is engaged in a multi-faceted review of a package of opioid bills. The recently passed omnibus bill included an additional $3.6 billion for opioid-addiction and mental-health services such as...
The March 31, 2018 data submission deadline for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) was extended and is now Tuesday, April 3 at 8PM EDT ! As you prepare to submit 2017 MIPS data for the Improvement Activities performance category, the...