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Policy Snapshot
July 8, 2021
CMS released a snapshot of the impact of COVID-19 on the Medicare population from January 1, 2020-April 24, 2021. The updated data shows over 4.3 million COVID-19 cases and over 1.2 million COVID-19 hospitalizations.
July 5, 2021
To examine the relationship between cognitive status and falls with and without injury among older adults during the first 18 days of a skilled nursing facility (SNF) and determine if this association is mediated by limitations in activities of...
July 5, 2021
Person-centered care (PCC) in nursing homes is an elusive organizational goal that has attracted the attention of pay-for-performance (P4P) programs. P4P programs are used to incentivize providers to improve the quality of care delivered. However,...
July 5, 2021
Understanding disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) based on dementia subtypes and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is essential for optimal resource allocation. This study aimed to investigate disease burdens of various dementias and MCI in a...
Weekly Roundup
July 4, 2021
July 3, 2021
Pharmacists’ care has an essential role in multidisciplinary teams in charge of chronic patients. However, data available on the clinical outcomes of these activities appear inconclusive. This study aimed to systematically investigate the effect of...
July 2, 2021
To assess the association of pre-morbid functional status [Barthel Index (BI)] and frailty [modified Frailty Index (mFI)] with in-hospital mortality and a risk scoring system developed for COVID-19 in patients ≥75 years diagnosed with COVID-19.
Policy Snapshot
July 2, 2021
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published 2021 Alternative Payment Model (APM) Incentive Payment details on the Quality Payment Program (QPP) website ; eligible clinicians and surrogates can log in to see what you were paid by...
Policy Snapshot
July 2, 2021
Proposed rule would accelerate shift from volume-based incentives to quality-based incentives The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed rule that accelerates the shift from paying for home health services based on...
Policy Snapshot
July 2, 2021
Last week, Reps. Darren Soto (D-FL) and Gus Billirakis (R-FL) announced the formation of a bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Infection Prevention and Control in Long-Term Care (IPC-LTC). The Caucus aims to create meaningful federal policies to...