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July 1, 2016
Assisted living (AL) is an important provider of long-term residential care to people with dementia, but little research has used clinician's records—arguably the most reliable and valid source of medically related information. This article uses...
July 1, 2016
An AD8 cut-off score of ≥4 has been reported to successfully detect 90% of dementia cases in elderly patients aged 75 years and above.
July 1, 2016
Japanese special nursing homes provide permanent residence to elderly people under the public long-term care insurance program. However, a quarter of discharges occur via death in hospital, and a fifth occur via admission to hospital. The objective...
July 1, 2016
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a home-based and volunteer-administered physical training and nutritional intervention program compared with social support intervention on nutritional and frailty status in prefrail and frail...
Caring for the Ages
July 1, 2016
E ach issue of Caring for the next several months will feature a profile of a different Society committee. As a volunteer-driven organization, we depend on and are indebted to those individuals who devote their time, talents, and energies to Society...
Caring for the Ages
July 1, 2016
Nearly one in four hospital transfers from nursing homes may have been preventable, according to results from a randomized controlled clinical trial that implemented the INTERACT quality improvement program.
Caring for the Ages
July 1, 2016
ORLANDO, FL — The “commercialization of medical knowledge” is pervasive, according to John Abramson, MD: An estimated 85% of clinical trials are commercially funded, for instance, and 59% of the authors of expert guidelines have financial ties to an...
Caring for the Ages
July 1, 2016
Daniel Haimowitz, MD, CMD, talks about hip fractures — how to prevent them and how to promote recovery and quality of life when they happen.
Caring for the Ages
July 1, 2016
The Republicans want to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, while the Democrats want either to build on its strengths, or — ideally — institute a single-payer system.
Caring for the Ages
July 1, 2016
Hypertension gets all the attention. But hypotension is an important and common clinical problem that deserves more careful evaluation and significantly more attention in older patients, said John Morley, MD, BCh, of the division of geriatric...