To examine the association between the social frailty (SF) phenotype and functional disability, independently of the physical frailty (PF) phenotype, and compare the abilities of the PF, SF, and combined social and physical (PSF) indexes for...
To determine if self-reported unsteadiness during walking is associated with fear of falling (FOF), fear-related activity restriction, falls, and disability over 2 years in community-dwelling adults.
Robert Zorowitz, MD, CMD, has presented at numerous conferences and programs over the years. Even as a seasoned veteran, he gets a bit nervous before he hits the stage but that doesn’t stop him.
Joanne Kaldy, Caring contributing writer and daughter of a nursing home resident, and Caring editor in chief Karl Steinberg, MD, CMD, talk about how families can help ease loved ones into nursing home life.
In honor of A Day Without a Woman, my friends at Daughters Unite quoted one of my frequent go-to sayings: “If adult daughters went on strike tomorrow, our health care system would collapse.” It’s time I explained why I say this so often.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has extended the deadline for public comments regarding revisions to the prospective payment system’s case-mix methodology, (82 FR 20980) (the ANPRM) that appeared in the Federal Register on May 14.
How many times have we heard that “it’s all about relationships”? A truer statement you won’t often hear. Physicians have known this for a long time, and yet in the face-paced world we live in, having the time to build and grow those relationships...