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November 25, 2019
Falls are associated with several negative outcomes. Early identification of those who are at risk of falling is of importance in geriatrics, and comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) seems to be promising in this regard. Therefore, the present...
November 25, 2019
Good oral hygiene has an impact on the overall health of residents in long-term care; however, significant improvement is needed in nursing homes. A “boots on the ground” project was developed that incorporates Mouth Care without a Battle, an...
Weekly Roundup
November 24, 2019
Policy Snapshot
November 22, 2019
The American Medical Association voted at its Interim Meeting of the House of Delegates in San Diego, CA, to establish a Cannabis Task Force to evaluate and disseminate relevant scientific evidence to health care facilities and the public. The vote...
Policy Snapshot
November 22, 2019
In a full committee hearing entitled “Caring for Aging Americans,” the House Ways and Means Committee highlighted an urgent need and opportunity to deal with a rapidly aging population. Witnesses presented a wide variety of issues and solutions and...
Policy Snapshot
November 22, 2019
The Creating Opportunities Now for Necessary and Effective Care Technologies (CONNECT) for Health Act of 2019 was recently introduced in both the House of Representatives (H.R. 4932) and Senate (S.2741). The bill would grant authority for the...
Policy Snapshot
November 22, 2019
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has updated the list of Electronic Clinical Quality Measures ( eCQMs ) that are fully specified and available to be used for the 2020 performance period in the Quality Payment Program; they...
November 21, 2019
MEMBERS ONLY CONTENT Login or Join When opportunity knocked, Marissa Galicia-Castillo, MD, answered; the result was an innovative program to improve the identification and management of congestive heart failure (CHF) at her facility. “I’ve been an...
November 21, 2019
Use of a system-wide standardized clinical assessment to facilitate information-sharing is an essential component of an integrated healthcare system.1 The Resident Assessment Instrument for Home Care (interRAI-HC) is a standardized clinical...
November 20, 2019
Previous research has shown that ethnicity may play a role in increased risk for hospital readmission during a post-acute rehabilitation care (PARC) stay. However, little is known about risk factors influencing discharge status from PARC settings...