The potential for spread of COVID-19 infections in skilled nursing facilities and other long-term care sites poses new challenges for nursing home administrators to protect patients and staff. It is anticipated that as acute care hospitals reach...
MEMBERS ONLY CONTENT Login or Join If you want to talk with Fred Feinsod, MD, MPH, DSc, CMD, FACP, AMDA’s 2020 Medical Director of the Year (MDOY), don’t be surprised if that means catching him on the road. Dr. Feinsod is a multi-facility medical...
This study aimed to examine the relationship between sleep duration and all-cause mortality, and to assess the role of cognitive impairment, physical disability, and chronic conditions on this association among very old adults.
This review aims to (1) examine existing definitions of omissions of care in the healthcare environment and associated characteristics and (2) outline adverse events that may be attributable to omissions of care among nursing home populations.
Mouth care is increasingly recognized as an important component of care in nursing homes (NHs), yet is known to be deficient. To promote quality improvement and inform research efforts, it is necessary to have valid measures of staff self-efficacy...
MEMBERS ONLY CONTENT Login or Join The Society has elected its Board of Directors for 2020-2021. David A. Nace, MD, MPH, CMD, is President; Karl Steinberg, MD, HMCD, CMD, is President-Elect; and Suzanne Gillespie, MD, RD, CMD, was elected as Vice...
To determine the association between physical activity (PA) and subjective cognitive complaints (SCCs), and the influential factors in this association.