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October 29, 2020
Electronic health record (EHR) systems improve clinical decision making, health information exchange, and quality improvement.1,2 Federal policies encourage EHR adoption through Meaningful Use programs. However, most of these policies target acute...
October 29, 2020
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Function-Focused Care for Assisted Living Using the Evidence Integration Triangle (FFC-AL-EIT) intervention.
October 29, 2020
To evaluate a machine learning model designed to predict mortality for Medicare beneficiaries aged >65 years treated for hip fracture in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs).
October 29, 2020
Women and residents in Certified Nursing Homes (CNHs) with higher star ratings had better attendance in exercise and social engagement programming (ie, Bingocize) than men and residents in CNHs with lower ratings.
October 29, 2020
The purpose of this study was to identify patterns of nurse staffing and skill mix and estimate the impact of these patterns on rehospitalization and emergency department (ED) visits in nursing home (NH) residents. We also estimated the relative...
October 28, 2020
To assess whether using coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) community activity level can accurately inform strategies for routine testing of facility staff for active severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection.
October 28, 2020
To describe the symptomatology, mortality, and risk factors for mortality in a large group of Dutch nursing home (NH) residents with clinically suspected COVID-19 who were tested with a reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test.
October 27, 2020
Although older inpatients are known to develop various conditions, whether aging affects intramuscular adipose tissue in older inpatients remains unclear. In particular, an increase in intramuscular adipose tissue in persons aged ≥85 years has...
October 26, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic presents an urgent need to investigate whether existing drugs can enhance or even worsen prognosis; metformin, a known mammalian target of rapamycin (m-TOR) inhibitor, has been identified as a potential agent. We sought to...
October 26, 2020
The winter respiratory virus season always poses challenges for long-term care settings; this winter, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 will compound the usual viral infection challenges. This special article discusses unique...