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April 30, 2021
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is hosting a webinar on Thursday, May 6, 2021 from 2:00–3:30 PM ET to provide an overview of the quality and cost performance category requirements for the 2021 performance year of the Merit-...
April 30, 2021
To test relationships among background factors, interpersonal triggers, rejection of care, and aggression among veterans living with dementia in residential long-term care settings, based on the need-driven dementia-compromised behavior model.
April 29, 2021
To investigate early predictors for discharge to a geriatric rehabilitation department at a skilled nursing home in older patients after hospitalization for hip fracture surgery.
April 28, 2021
MEMBERS ONLY CONTENT Login or Join When it comes to behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), suggests Angela Norman, DNP, GNP-BD, ACNP-BC, “Past practice was to wait until there was a problem and then react.” The Well-Being Model (...
April 28, 2021
Frailty is a multidimensional syndrome. However, typical frailty scales used in oncology clinics assess physical impairment and/or malnutrition but do not consider the social domain. Our study aimed to clarify the relationship between preoperative...
April 28, 2021
Overuse and misuse of antibiotics are major threats to public health, and the focus of national efforts to improve the quality of antibiotic prescribing in all health care settings, including assisted living facilities (ALFs). Understanding the...
April 28, 2021
Most residents with dementia (RwD) in long-term care (LTC) facilities experience hearing and vision problems, yet these sensory deficits, which are associated with poor outcomes, are frequently under-recognized or incompletely managed.
April 27, 2021
Recent rampant spread of COVID-19 cases in nursing homes has highlighted the concerns around nursing homes’ ability to contain the spread of infections. The ability of nursing homes to invest in quality improvement initiatives may depend on resource...
April 27, 2021
Challenges inherent in the practice of continuous palliative sedation until death appear to be particularly pervasive in nursing homes. We aimed to develop a protocol to improve the quality of the practice in Belgian nursing homes.
April 26, 2021
Many older adults prefer to live independently at home as long as possible.1 Home is also where people want to be in the final days of their lives.2 Aging in place at home provides a sense of attachment and security to older adults as well as a...