The editorial by Lima Ribeiro and Morley regarding dehydration in the nursing home was timely and helpful, particularly in its endorsement of subcutaneous infusion (hypodermoclysis) as a valuable, yet easy intervention.1 Yet, I must take objection...
Hip fractures (HFs) in old age frequently cause severe functional impairment and deteriorating autonomy in everyday life. Many older patients with HFs are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. In this study, we examined the relationship between...
A better understanding of the essential components of frailty is important for future developments of management strategies. We aimed to assess the incremental validity of a Comprehensive Model of Frailty (CMF) over Frailty Index (FI) in predicting...
The objective of this study was to develop a measure of the perceptions of nursing home (NH) directors of nursing (DONs) on the adequacy of physician care and to examine its variation as well as its construct validity.
The aim of the Intervention by Nutrition and Exercise (INE) study was to investigate the effects of a mail-based intervention for sarcopenia prevention on muscle mass and anabolic hormones in community-dwelling older adults.
An article in this issue of JAMDA describes an exciting randomized controlled trial (RCT) of a new model of comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) developed and tested in Sweden.1 In the program, community-living persons aged 75 and older who had...
To describe and compare the decisions critical for survival or quality of life [critical decisions (CDs)] made for patients with advanced dementia in nursing homes (NHs) and home care (HC) services.
As people grow older, they are at greater risk of ill health and its consequences, including death. Not everyone of the same age carries the same risk. For some time, people at an increased risk have been said to be frail.1 Famously, frailty has...
The impact of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) on hypertension control has not been fully assessed across the treatment spectrum in older community-living individuals and could have important implications; specifically, the number of...
Considerable research over the last several years has demonstrated that a substantial number of hospitalizations of nursing home residents, as well as older people living in the community receiving long-term care services, may be avoidable.1–4 In a...