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March 1, 2019
The challenge to improve effective and safe use of antibiotics in PALTC settings is a national focus of great importance. Goals are to reduce the emergence of multi-drug–resistant organisms, AADE, and unnecessary cost. The Centers for Disease...
March 1, 2019
Many older residents are prescribed psychoactive medications to improve sleep quality. These include antipsychotics, anxiolytics, and hypnotics. These medications are often prescribed in together and with narcotics. This practice places older adults...
March 1, 2019
Long-term care facility (LTCF) residents with multiple co-morbidities, debility and cognitive loss are at higher risk of developing deep tissue pressure injury (DTPI). There is limited research supporting the treatment options for DTPIs, but...
March 1, 2019
In November 2017, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) mandated the implementation of Antibiotic Stewardship Programs (ASP) within Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities in the United States. A core element of this initiative is to provide...
March 1, 2019
There is scant literature regarding interdisciplinary teams providing wound care in long-term care. Our long-term care facility did not have a consistent process for evaluation and treatment of wounds by nursing and physician teams.
March 1, 2019
Assisted living (AL) communities are home to over 830,000 adults, who are mostly 85 years and older. Older adults in AL spend the majority of their waking time sedentary and experience more decline in functional performance compared to nursing home...
March 1, 2019
Clear and complete communication between health care providers (HCP ) is a prerequisite for the safe patient management and is a key component of the Joint Commission’s 2008 National Patient Safety Goals for Long-Term Care (LTC). There is paucity of...
March 1, 2019
Audible pressure bed and chair alarms in the post-acute and long-term setting (PA/LTC) have proven to be an ineffective intervention for reducing falls and in fact have met criteria as a physical restraint according to the Centers for Medicare and...
March 1, 2019
This paper focuses on a quality improvement (QI) project implemented in a home health setting among a population of patients with heart failure (HF). It was discovered there was a lack of nurse-led recommendations and ineffective use of the...
March 1, 2019
Adults over the age of 65 are at high risk of mortality and morbidity from fall-related injuries. It is estimated that between 10-20% of falls in long-term care result in serious injury. It is imperative that strategies be developed to decrease the...