The identification of relevant clinical outcomes of sarcopenia could be helpful for health professionals to improve sarcopenia management and for designing valid and useful clinical trials and outcome studies. Through observational studies, a flow...
Older women are more likely than men to enter residential aged care (RAC) and generally stay longer. We aimed to identify and examine their trajectories of care needs over time in RAC across 3 fundamental care needs domains, including activities of...
Up to 80% of nursing home residents are affected by pain. Pain assessment aims to determine pain intensity, quality, and course of pain to underpin diagnostic decision making. In the nursing home population, pain assessment is frequently compromised...
To examine the use of residential respite care and determine associations between respite care and total days spent in residential care (respite days plus long-term care days).
MEMBERS ONLY CONTENT Login or Join Earlier this year the Foundation for PALTC Medicine asked Society members to participate in a large-scale quality improvement study to evaluate the impact of the annual influenza vaccine choice on LTC facility...
Residents of long-term care facilities (LCTFs) have high morbidity and mortality associated with acute respiratory infections (ARIs). Limited information exists on the virology of ARI in LTCFs, where virological testing is reactive. We report on...
To assess the short- and long-term association of 6 healthy behaviors (not smoking, vigorous to moderate physical activity, healthy diet, adequate sleeping duration, not being sedentary, and daily social interaction) with incident frailty and...
MEMBERS ONLY CONTENT Login or Join It’s nearly flu season, and everyone in post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) is preparing to keep their residents and staff safe and healthy. They are on high alert for good reason. Statistics from last year’s flu...
On October 10, the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) published a new Guide for Clinicians on the Appropriate Dosage Reduction or Discontinuation of Long-Term Opioid Analgesics , which provides advice to clinicians who are contemplating...