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Policy Snapshot
January 2, 2020
You can now use the updated Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Payment Program Participation Status Lookup Tool to check on your initial 2020 eligibility for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). Just enter your...
Caring for the Ages
January 1, 2020
Some of you may still remember me. Or your children or grandchildren might. Perhaps I cared for you at some point over the decades since 1976 when I opened my internal medicine practice, just two weeks after having completed my residency training.
Caring for the Ages
January 1, 2020
Mrs. D is an 89-year-old African American woman who has moved into the nursing home directly from her home. Her husband became ill and could no longer care for her. She has a history of heart failure and was seeing her cardiologist for weekly...
Caring for the Ages
January 1, 2020
The buzz-phrase of the year is “patient-centered care,” coupled with a renewed focus on the “patient experience.” With great enthusiasm, I have joined the movement as a member of the Beryl Institute’s Global Patient and Family Advisory Board. But...
Caring for the Ages
January 1, 2020
Vaccination is considered one of the most important public health achievements to decrease morbidity and mortality across the life span. Older adults have age-related changes, including age-associated impairment of cell-mediated immunity, that put...
Caring for the Ages
January 1, 2020
Dear Dr. Jeff: Our antibiotic stewardship efforts have led to a series of conflicts with involved family members. Typically, they are vociferously demanding antibiotics for presumed urinary tract infections which do not meet the McGeer criteria for...
Caring for the Ages
January 1, 2020
Ask Society members what the organization means to them, and they can talk for an hour. They say it’s their professional home, the place where they get evidence-based information, best practices, and more, and where they can connect with others who...
Caring for the Ages
January 1, 2020
Several of the hot topics in geriatrics are pain management, medication reduction/deprescribing, and use of off-label medications. Best-practice use of gabapentinoids — gabapentin (Neurontin) and pregabalin (Lyrica) — comfortably fits into all three...
Caring for the Ages
January 1, 2020
It is now 2020, which means it is not only the beginning of a new year but of a new decade as well. That makes it a good time for reflection.
Caring for the Ages
January 1, 2020
The 2019 Medical Director of the Year for AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, Charles Crecelius, MD, PhD, CMD, has the blues. When he’s not working with his post-acute and long-term care facility patients, he is assistant...