2023 MIPS Value Pathway (MVP) Registration Now Open

April 7, 2023
Policy Snapshot

The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Value Pathways (MVPs) registration window is open for the 2023 performance year. Individuals, groups, subgroups, and Alternative Payment Model (APM) Entities that wish to report an MVP can register until November 30, 2023, at 8:00 PM ET.

For the 2023 performance year, MVPs are a new, voluntary way to meet MIPS reporting requirements. Each MVP includes a subset of measures and activities that are related to a specialty or medical condition to offer more meaningful participation in MIPS.

  • Visit Explore MVPs to review the available MVPs finalized for the 2023 performance year.
  • Not sure how you’ll report for MIPS in 2023? You can learn more about the MVP reporting option on the QPP website.

Prepare for MVP Registration

Before you register, you’ll need to have the following items identified:

How to Register

Individual, group, and subgroup MVP registrations must be submitted by a representative of the practice with the QPP Security Official role. APM Entity MVP registrations must be submitted by a representative of the APM Entity with the QPP Security Official role. Please refer to the QPP Access User Guide for information about obtaining a Security Official role for your organization.

To register, you’ll need to complete a form providing all the information required for your MVP and, if applicable, subgroup registration. The 2023 MVP Registration Form can be found in the 2023 MVP Registration Form and Fact Sheet (ZIP)

You’ll email your completed registration to QPP@cms.hhs.gov with the subject “MVP Registration.” A ticket will then be created with the Service Center, where a dedicated team will manage your registration.

*Please Note: If the CAHPS for MIPS Survey is an available measure in your selected MVP and you wish to administer it as 1 of your 4 required measures, you‘ll need to complete both your MVP registration and a separate CAHPS for MIPS Survey registration by June 30, 2023, at 8:00 PM ET.

Additional Resources

Prepare for MVP Registration Webpage