AMDA Code of Ethics

AMDA Code of Ethics

The American Medical Directors Association is dedicated to the delivery of competent, comprehensive and compassionate medical care to all people receiving care in the long term care setting. To further these goals, all members of this Association:

  • Shall uphold the ethics of the medical profession in all aspects of the care rendered.
  • Shall be an advocate for all persons who reside in the facility.
  • Shall strive to advance personal and professional knowledge, including the area of medical education.
  • Shall continue to study, apply, and advance scientific knowledge.
  • Shall do their utmost to serve as a model of personal and professional integrity and skills.
  • Shall respect the law while recognizing the responsibility to seek changes in the law for the best interests of the people entrusted to their care.
  • Shall work diligently with all professional colleagues to create a milieu that fosters the highest attainable degree of care.
  • Shall always place the competent, compassionate care of all their patients above any financial reward or inducements.
  • Shall recognize a responsibility to participate in those activities that contribute to an improved community.
  • Shall respect the individual's right to autonomy in decision making.