Gaining Through Giving: How to Make Your Foundation Donation Grow

October 8, 2020


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Think of your donation to the Foundation for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care (PALTC) Medicine like a snowball. It’s a solid donation that positively contributes to the future of PALTC medicine. Now consider that a planned gift is like that snowball rolling down the hill, picking up speed, weight, and size as it moves. In a October 15 webinar, speaker Alexander “Sandy” Macnab, FAHP, CFRE, and moderator J. Kenneth Brubaker, MD, CMD, will help you see how to maximize your legacy and enable your gift to benefit both you and the Foundation.

In Gaining Through Giving – Doing Well While Doing Good, participants will learn how they can simultaneously help themselves, their families, and the Foundation that supports AMDA’s mission. Mr. Macnab and Dr. Brubaker will present a clear and concise overview of how charitable gifts can help you with tax and estate planning issues; and you will learn about ways to make gifts that can return income to you for your life or that can help your children or grandchildren. While you will get information on the basics, the session will focus on two plans that give you money back and then go on to help Foundation programs. There also will be time to ask questions.

“People often think that money comes to foundations from corporations, national funds, and other sources; but, in reality, an overwhelming amount of money comes from individuals,” says Mr. Macnab. Planned giving such as including money for the Foundation in your will creates a lasting legacy that has an impact long into the future. He adds, “It’s easier than you think, and it’s a gift that is truly appreciated and will do much good over time.”

How can your gift to the Foundation be a financial win-win? Mr. Macnab gives the example of someone who sells their house. If they give a portion of the proceeds to the Foundation, it also results in a tax break for them. He says, “People often don’t realize this and are really surprised. Planning and structuring gifts like this is very powerful.”

To say that contributing to your Foundation will make you feel good may seem like a cliché. However, the impact on givers of their gifts has actually been studied. “When people talk or think about leaving a legacy gift, the part of their brain that lights up is the same as when they think about immortality. There is much scientific evidence about this,” Mr. Macnab says. “Because people feel good about giving, they feel good about themselves and their place in society. It’s very satisfying to help others.”

Certainly, contributing to the Foundation helps many others. Your gift goes to support the one-of-a-kind Futures Program that educates residents, fellows, and advanced practitioners about careers in PALTC and connects them with mentors and colleagues. You also help sponsor educational programs, as well as awards that encourage and enable research studies and best practices and honor exemplary practitioners and visionaries.

Register for this free program today.