Physician Compare Preview Period Open Through August 20
August 13, 2020
Policy Snapshot
The Physician Compare preview period is open through August 20 at 8:00 PM ET. Preview your 2018 Quality Payment Program performance information before it appears on the Physician Compare website profile pages and in the downloadable database. Access the secured preview through the Quality Payment Program website.
For more information:
- Preview Period User Guide
- Performance year 2018 preview period information for clinicians and groups
- Video Part 1: 2018 Quality Payment Program Performance Information
- Video Part 2: Accessing and Navigating the Physician Compare Preview
- Physician Compare Initiative website
- For questions about Physician Compare, public reporting, or the 60-day preview period, which is extended from 30 days, contact
- For assistance accessing the Quality Payment Program website or obtaining you Enterprise Identity Management (EIDM) system user role, contact