This too shall pass! PALTC is united

March 30, 2020

When a crisis hits, besides shedding light on the system gaps, it also highlights the strengths of a community. The stresses of the novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) have clearly highlighted the many positive attributes of the post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) community. As the president of AMDA, The Society of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, I have been in awe watching several heroic stories emerge in this fight of our lifetime.

In the twilight of 2019, China announced its first COVID-19 outbreak. In a few weeks, it evolved from just an interesting story to a humanity-threatening concern for researchers, clinicians and politicians across the globe. As of now, the outbreak has reached pandemic status, prompting governments to enact emergencies and community shutdowns across the world.

No community has been impacted by COVID-19-related concerns in the US more than the PALTC setting. As an environment of care for the frailest of the frail, and with less than ideal financial support, staffing demands and inconsistent medical models, if this sector fails to receive the necessary attention and support it requires, PALTC may face dire consequences.