Role of the Advanced Practitioner in the Delivery of Quality Care in the Post-Acute Care Setting

March 1, 2019

Though the cost of health care is rising, and our aging population is becoming more medically complex, hospital length of stays are shorter and the utilization of skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) has increased. A large proportion of patients admitted into a SNF are readmitted into the hospital within 30 days. Many hospital transfers from SNFs are potentially avoidable. Our objectives are 4-fold: 1) to identify the benefit of having Advanced Practitioners (APs) embedded in a SNF; 2) to explain various strategies that we employ to reduce hospital readmissions and prevent ED visits of SNF patients; 3) to provide insight into our SNFist program while sharing success stories that exemplify how we as advanced practitioners (APs) enhance the transitions of care for post-acute care patients; and 4) to identify financial benefits of APs embedded in the SNF.