Society To Offer American Board of Internal Medicine Maintenance of Certification
AMDA – the Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is pleased to announce its eligibility to provide American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification credits. The Society’s educational programs that will offer ABIM MOC credits beginning in 2018 include the Annual Conference, Core Curriculum on Medical Direction in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, and select webinars. MOC participation demonstrates that a physician is completing ABIM approved continuing education and professional development activities regularly.
According to the Society’s 2017 Membership Survey, 53% of the Society’s physician members’ primary board specialty is internal medicine. The Society is currently working through the process to also provide American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) MOC for those individuals whose primary board specialty is family medicine.
“We are thrilled to add ABIM maintenance of certification credits to our list of professional development opportunities,” says Society President Heidi White, MD, MHS, MEd, CMD. “Our goal is to educate our members and others who participate in our educational programs, and assist them in maintaining their certifications and enhancing the quality of care they provide.”
For more information on the Society’s accreditations and recognitions, click here. For more information about the Society’s educational programs, click here.