CMS Releases Second Year of Skilled Nursing Facility Utilization and Payment Data

January 20, 2017
Policy Snapshot

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has posted the second annual release of the Skilled Nursing Facility Public Use File (Skilled Nursing Facility PUF) with data for 2014. The Skilled Nursing Facility PUF presents summarized information on services provided to Medicare beneficiaries by skilled nursing facilities. It contains information on utilization, payment (Medicare payment and Medicare standardized payment), submitted charges, and beneficiary demographic and chronic condition indicators organized by CMS Certification Number (6-digit provider identification number), Resource Utilization Group (RUG), and state of service.

The new 2014 PUF has information for 15,026 skilled nursing facilities, almost 2.5 million stays, and over $27 billion in Medicare payments for 2014. New in the 2014 data is the demographic and chronic condition information. CMS protects beneficiaries’ personal information in all public data releases. The updated 2014 data and supplemental information can be accessed here.