IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ: CMS Clarifies Use of Telehealth After Waivers Lifted

April 29, 2022
Policy Snapshot

On April 7, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced its intention to end the use of some 1,135 pandemic waivers that allowed physician visits to the nursing home to be conducted via telehealth. Amid some confusion from members, the Society asked CMS to clarify which visits this announcement affects. CMS confirmed that beginning May 7, 2022, all federally mandated physician visits (every 30 days for the first three months and 60 days thereafter) will have to be done in-person again. However, all other nursing home visits are still under the public health emergency waiver and may still be used as needed without limitations. After the public health emergency ends—currently set for July 15, 2022—the subsequent nursing home visits (99307-99310) will return to the 14-day limitation frequency. Initial visits will not be permitted to be used via telehealth (99304-99306). CMS noted that the use of telehealth in the setting is an additive to the required in-person care.

The Society continues to advocate that CMS permanently remove all limitations for the use of telehealth in the nursing home setting and allow telehealth to be used as medically necessary.