Women at Greater Risk for Falls than Men in Old Age
May 27, 2016
Contact: Perry Gwen Meyers
Women at Greater Risk for Falls than Men in Old Age
Falls present a huge and common risk to the elderly, including fractures – the majority of which are caused by falls. A recent study shows that 70 year-old women are at greater risk of falling compared to men. The higher risk among women can be attributed to variability in gait when multitasking.
The study, published in JAMDA – The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, was conducted as part of the Healthy Ageing Initiative at Umeå University, Sweden. Study participants performed three challenging gait tasks: walking normally at a preferred pace, walking as rapidly as possible while maintaining control, and walking at a self-selected pace while counting backward from 100.
Study results:
- There was an approximately 50% greater risk of incident falls in women than men.
- The greater risk was associated with increased gait variability, predominately during dual-task assignments.
- Increased gait variability was seen in both fallers and non-fallers, suggesting that increased gait variability in women during multi-tasking may contribute to their increased risk of falls, and thereby, to their known greater risks of fractures.
To read the full study, click here or contact pmeyers@paltc.org. To contact the researchers or JAMDA Editor for interview contact pmeyers@paltc.org.
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