Special February Issue of JAMDA Provides a Vision for “Reimagining Long-Term Care”

February 4, 2022

February 3, 2022
Contact: Ellen Mullally

Columbia, MD – The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the pervasive shortcomings of long-term care and how those shortcomings affect the 8.5 million people in the United States who receive nursing home, assisted living, home-based, and hospice care.

A silver lining of the pandemic is that it may provide the impetus to address those systemic flaws in how we care for PALTC patents and residents. It is time to reimagine a better future. That’s why the February 2022 issue of JAMDA, AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care’s monthly medical journal, is entirely devoted to evidence-based papers and recommendations to guide reimagination of the long-term care workforce, societal issues, models of care, financing, payment, regulation, and services.

Articles include:

  • The Inevitability of Reimagining Long-Term Care
  • Building Trust in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care: Strategies for Sustainable Change
  • Reimagining Medical Care in Assisted Living
  • Transforming Direct Care Jobs, Reimagining Long-Term Services and Supports
  • Integrating Principles of Safety Culture and Just Culture Into Nursing Homes: Lessons From the Pandemic
  • Nursing Home Design and COVID-19: Implications for Guidelines and Regulation
  • A Recommended Package of Long-Term Care Services to Promote Healthy Ageing Based on a WHO Global Expert Consensus Study

“With tragic effect, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought national attention to the systemic flaws in PALTC. The purpose of this special issue is to inform the evolving discussion leading to meaningful improvements in long-term care. We are very proud of the collection of articles the JAMDA editorial team has put together,” says Christopher E. Laxton, CAE, AMDA’s executive director. “Because we want the issue to be accessible to everyone, it is available and downloadable without cost throughout 2022.”

Access the complete issue now. Please send an email to emullally@paltc.org if you would like to speak with the JAMDA editors.




AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is the only medical specialty society representing the community of over 50,000 medical directors, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other practitioners working in the various post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) settings. Dedicated to defining and improving quality, we advance our mission through timely professional development, evidence-based clinical guidance, and tireless advocacy on behalf of members, patients, families, and staff. Visit www.paltc.org for more information.