Society Debuts Post-Acute/Long-Term Care Medicine Podcast

March 22, 2018

Columbia, MD--AMDA-The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine has debuted a podcast program, “AMDA On-The-Go,” offering interviews and updates about new research, journal articles, and the issues of greatest importance to practitioners and others in this field. The program is hosted by Wayne S. Saltsman, MD, PhD, CMD, a Society Board member and Chief Medical Officer, Continuing Care, at Lahey Health in Burlington, MA.

The first 15-minute episode addresses “Effects of Legal Access to Cannabis on Scheduled II-IV Drug Prescriptions” while the second episode addresses “The Prevalence of Burnout Among Nursing Home Physicians”. All episodes can be accessed here Society members can receive credits toward their Certified Medical Direction (CMD) credential for the programs.

The podcast is an AMDA Innovation Project, borne out of the Society’s Innovation Platform Advisory Committee, chaired by Society Vice President Arif Nazir, MD, CMD, and entrusted to lead the creation of an innovations infrastructure for the organization. Committee and Society Board member Cari Levy, MD, CMD, first called Dr. Saltsman in January with the idea about the podcast. The first 12 episodes will be sponsored by the Society’s non-profit Foundation. The idea, Dr. Saltsman says, “Is to create an educational tool to deliver knowledge and cutting-edge information quickly and succinctly.”

The program’s portability is especially appealing, says Dr. Saltsman. “Everyone has some down time—on the treadmill at the gym, commuting on the train, and so on. You can tune in and lose yourself in the topic at your convenience.”

Society Executive Director Christopher Laxton, CAE, says, “We keep our finger on the pulse of what our members need to provide the best possible care for older adults, and cutting-edge news and education on the go is essential for busy professionals who depend on mobile devices for communication and information.” The new podcast, he said, is a promising innovation that will appeal to the Society’s broad demographic of members.

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AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is the only medical specialty society representing the community of over 50,000 medical directors, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other practitioners working in the various post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) settings. Dedicated to defining and improving quality, we advance our mission through timely professional development, evidence-based clinical guidance, and tireless advocacy on behalf of members, patients, families, and staff. Visit for more information.