Panel Offers Path to More Effective Clinical Research in Nursing Homes
March 21, 2022
Contact: Ellen Mullally
Panel Offers Path to More Effective Clinical Research in Nursing Homes
Clinical research efforts in nursing homes to address COVID-19 prevention and treatment have faced numerous challenges. To improve the ability to conduct research in nursing homes, a multidisciplinary stakeholder advisory panel was convened under the Health Care Systems Research Network—Older Americans Independence Centers AGING Initiative. An article in the March issue of JAMDA summarizes the panel’s recommendations.
In Advancing Clinical Trials in Nursing Homes: A Proposed Roadmap to Success, the authors detailed the recommendations, which were identified across five domains: coordination, leadership, stakeholders, regulations, and funding. The specific suggestions included:
- Create a centralized research infrastructure that will address essential core functions such as overall coordination, recruitment, training, data management and resources, methods and measures, and communication and dissemination.
- Establish a Nursing Home Clinical Trials Research Network (NHCTRN) Oversight Board that will develop a governance structure for the network. The board will consist of volunteers and include representatives of all major stakeholder groups.
- Identify and engage a full range of stakeholders like researchers, medical ethicists, residents and care partners, representatives from advocacy organizations, professional organizations, health-care professionals, nursing home operators, industry groups, payers, and state/federal regulators. These stakeholders will work together to encourage alignment of research priorities and guide and inform the essential core functions of the centralized research infrastructure.
- Federal and state agencies with nursing home oversight should update and coordinate regulations to promote clinical trial research in nursing homes, while balancing the need to protect residents’ privacy and safety.
- Establish a sustainable, large-scale collaborative fund for the NHCTRN.
These recommendations, the authors said, “are designed to serve as a catalyst to the creation of a coordinated, highly functioning nursing home clinical trials research network” that will facilitate the conduct of randomized clinical trials in this care setting.
The authors concluded, “As long as the nursing home setting continues to be the place of care for large numbers of the most vulnerable among our population, a coordinated approach to clinical trials research is required to answer the most important questions in a rigorous and efficient manner.”
This study was conducted by researchers at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA; UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA; University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA; Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD; Kaiser Permanente Colorado, CITY, CO; American Health Care Association, Washington, DC; Hebrew SeniorLife Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research, Boston, MA; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL; Genesis Healthcare, Kennett Square, PA; University of Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD; and UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.
Get additional information on the findings above and more details about the study. To contact the researchers or JAMDA editors for an interview, please email
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