Columbia, Maryland, October 10, 2019 — AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (AMDA), representing the community of over 50,000 clinicians in the post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) setting, today announced its partnership with ADVault, the global leader in digital advance care plan creation, storage and retrieval, to offer AMDA clinical content to ADVault’s MyDirectives® digital platform. The agreement is being introduced to select clients at this week’s Coalition to Transform Advanced Care C-TAC Summit in Minneapolis.
AMDA’s advance care planning content, the result of a multi-year effort of its clinical leadership, is vital to helping doctors and care teams engage in meaningful discussions with patients and their families. After a careful review and user-study, the AMDA content has been adapted for ADVault’s Facilitated Advance Care PlanningTM (FACP) version of its award-winning MyDirectives consumer-facing platform.
“For over 4 years, our organization has been dedicated to helping clinicians provide goal-centered care across all post-acute and long-term care settings,” said AMDA Executive Director Chris Laxton. “Establishing a partnership with a global leader like MyDirectives was an easy decision, leveraging our industry-leading content to help normalize quality-driven conversations on this topic that is so vital to optimal care for the PALTC population.”
“In the setting of post-acute and long-term care, practitioners often find patients with advanced illnesses without any care directives. It is extremely difficult to engage patients who are very ill or cognitively challenged, and their families who are struggling to cope with the prospect of losing their loved ones, in last-minute discussions about life-altering decisions,” said Rajeev Kumar, MD, CMD, FACP, chief medical officer of Symbria. “AMDA clinical leadership reviewed ADVault, and we like the simplicity of setup and the comprehensive, detail-oriented nature of care plans with real-time updates to care choices. Incorporating AMDA’s widely-acclaimed clinical content into ADVault’s digital platform makes a good product great!”
Dr. Brian Yeaman, ADVault medical director for clinical informatics and workflows, added, “The MyDirectives Facilitated ACP service, combined with AMDA’s clinical practice guidelines and content, is the perfect ‘easy button’ for practitioners. Not all doctors and nurses are trained to do this, and we need help. This solution makes advance care planning practical, and portable, regardless of the care setting.”
“Scott and Jeff started ADVault in 2007 firmly committed to helping people live with confidence that their voice could inform their care, even if they have had a health emergency and can’t communicate,” said ADVault’s Director of Platform Innovation Maria D. Moen. “I joined ADVault purposefully, after spending most of my career in the LTPAC industry, convinced we could bring about meaningful change. We are providing tools that connect practitioners and the people they treat through digital advance care planning technologies that are portable, interoperable, and available across the globe. It’s an honor to collaborate with AMDA’s clinical leaders and their organizations as they eagerly adopt innovative, patient-centered tools as part of their strategy to thrive in the emerging value-based healthcare system.”
AMDA’s advance care planning content joins a growing library of industry-recognized branded content that is available to ADVault enterprise clients.
About MyDirectives: With consumer users in over 40 countries, MyDirectives®, a service of Dallas, Texas-based ADVault, Inc., is the world’s leading all-digital advance care planning platform. MyDirectives lets people create, store, update and share the free MyDirectives digital advance care plan or upload any third-party digital or paper-based advance directive (such as Five Wishes®), advance care plan or POLST document. Additional information can be found at or this TEDx Talk.
AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is the only medical specialty society representing the community of over 50,000 medical directors, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other practitioners working in the various post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) settings. The Society’s 5,500 members work in skilled nursing facilities, long-term care and assisted living communities, CCRCs, home care, hospice, PACE programs, and other settings. Go to for more information.