AMDA Member to Lead National Antibiotic Reduction Trial
Columbia, MD – AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care (AMDA) member David A. Nace, MD, MPH, of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, will be leading a $1.5 million national trial to examine methods to reduce unnecessary use of antibiotics in post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) facilities. AMDA, along with University of Wisconsin Associate Professor of Medicine and antimicrobial stewardship expert Christopher Crnich, MD, PhD, will serve as co-investigators.
The three-year study, funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), will investigate guidelines and tools to help PALTC facilities better manage urinary tract infections (UTIs), which are commonly misdiagnosed and incorrectly treated.
“Antimicrobial resistance is a hot button issue in health care nationally and internationally – and improper overutilization of antibiotics is the single largest culprit,” said Dr. Nace, Director of Long-Term Care and Flu Programs in Pitt’s Division of Geriatric Medicine, and primary investigator on the AHRQ grant. “It is critically important that we find ways to cut unnecessary use of antibiotics.”
The World Health Organization and the White House, among others, recently made announcements declaring efforts to address antimicrobial resistance top priorities. JAMA Internal Medicine published an article today finding that antibiotic use is highly variable across nursing homes, exposing residents to an increased risk of antibiotic-related harms and indicating a need to improve antibiotic stewardship in PALTC facilities.
The leading reason for antibiotic use at PALTC facilities is to treat a suspected UTI. Antibiotics are often started before a correct diagnosis is made. However, as many as two-thirds of those suspected cases turn out not to be UTIs, and the patients don’t benefit from – and could be harmed by – the antibiotics. When used incorrectly, antibiotics can kill good bacteria and allow harmful, drug-resistant bacteria to flourish. Antibiotics can also cause allergic reactions or side-effects and are the leading cause of adverse drug reactions in PALTC facilities.
The trial will examine existing guidance and research on UTIs to develop comprehensive guidelines and tools geared toward easy implementation at PALTC facilities. AMDA has long been respected for improving care in nursing homes, and our reputation will be critical to disseminating the results of this project and improving care across the U.S. “Unnecessary antibiotic prescribing is an issue we’ve been vocal about and focused on for some time, as its particularly dangerous for our already vulnerable patient population. Our President, Naushira Pandya, MD, CMD, recently served on a panel at the White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship,” says AMDA Executive Director Christopher Laxton, CAE. “We’re excited to work with our partners to create evidence-based, easy to implement clinical tools and education in an effort to improve the quality of care provided to PALTC patients.”
Next year, the team will enroll 40 PALTC facilities from Pennsylvania, Texas, North Carolina, and Wisconsin in their trial. Half will receive the guidelines, as well as on-going mentoring and education, while the other half will operate as normal. For a year, the team will collect data on the number of UTIs before and after the trial, the rate of appropriate and inappropriate treatment, and adverse outcomes. Once the trial concludes, all the facilities will be given the guidelines, tools, mentoring and education.
“There’s a lot of pressure across both agriculture and medicine to rein in use of antibiotics,” said Dr. Nace. “We are very quickly running out of antibiotics to do the job for us, and the problem is only going to grow worse. New antibiotics are not being created and licensed fast enough to keep pace with bacterium’s ability to develop drug-resistance. Efforts like ours to become better stewards of existing antibiotics are among the few solutions left at our disposal.”
AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is dedicated to excellence in patient care and provides education, advocacy, information and professional development to promote the delivery of quality post-acute and long-term care medicine.