AMDA Introduces National “Drive To Deprescribe” Initiative

May 19, 2021

Columbia, MD – The issue of polypharmacy and inappropriate medication use in post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) has been an ongoing concern, with many nursing home residents taking 15 or more drugs. The PALTC setting has one of the highest polypharmacy rates, which increases the risk for adverse events and drug interactions. This week, AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is launching a new initiative called Drive To Deprescribe: Optimizing Medication Use in PALTC (D2D).

To date, approximately 1,300 facilities have enrolled. They will be formally introduced to D2D during a kick-off meeting tomorrow afternoon featuring representatives from AMDA, the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP), and the D2D Work Group. After that they will participate in monthly calls—alternating between webinars and office hours – that will offer researchers and the D2D Work Group the opportunity to share strategies and resources, and answer questions.

The goal is a 25% overall reduction in medication use while optimizing the medication regimen in long-stay patients. AMDA will monitor key metrics to assess and report progress throughout the initiative.

“We are excited to introduce this important initiative to prescribers, pharmacists, CNOs, CMOs, and others working in the long-term care setting and are thrilled with the initial positive response from facilities,” says AMDA Executive Director Christopher E. Laxton, CAE. “There is clear recognition of the many adverse impacts of polypharmacy in our setting. Working together, we should be able to start reducing unnecessary medication use quickly and achieve our goal of a 25% reduction.”

Visit the D2D website for more information and to register for the kick-off meeting.


AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is the only medical specialty society representing the community of over 50,000 medical directors, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other practitioners working in the various post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) settings. Dedicated to defining and improving quality, we advance our mission through timely professional development, evidence-based clinical guidance, and tireless advocacy on behalf of members, patients, families, and staff. Visit for more information.