Thank you to all of you who have attended our "COVID-19 Grand Rounds: Pearls from Your Colleagues" panel discussions over these past five months. We especially thank our many panelists for lending their insights and expertise on the variety of COVD-19 issues we've covered. We are taking some time re-think the schedule and plan future topics and will update you once these changes have been finalized. In the meantime, please keep up your wonderful work and be well!


AMDA COVID-19 Grand Rounds

Date: Thursday, May 21, 2020

Time: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM ET

Topic: AMDA COVID-19 Grand Rounds: Pearls from Your Colleagues

Description: Join us for a moderated discussion on current clinical topics and controversies (such as anticoagulation) in the treatment of COVID 19 in PALTC.

Attendees will be able to type in questions for discussion.


  • Sabine von Preyss-Friedman, MD, FACP, CMD (moderator)
  • Arif Nazir, MD, CMD
  • Richard Feifer, MD, MPH, FACP
  • Charles Crecelius, MD, PhD, CMD

*Note: this program is not eligible for CME.


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