CDC Flu Resources

CDC Resources for Clinicians on Making a Strong Flu Vaccine Recommendation and about the upcoming 2020-2021 Flu Season

Whether you’re a primary care physician, nurse, health care personnel, or working in an assisted living facility or with a population at high risk for serious flu complications, you play a significant role in helping protect people from influenza. The best available protection is annual influenza vaccination for all people ages 6 months and older. Getting a flu vaccine for yourself, and making a strong influenza vaccine recommendation to those you care for is especially important this year.

Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Webinar Resources (Free Continuing Education)

Making a Strong Flu Vaccine Recommendation Resources for Healthcare providers

Long-term Care Toolkit Resources

 CDC Flu Vaccination Campaign Resources

Roll your #SleeveUp to #FightFlu communication activation.

Roll your #SleeveUp to #FightFlu this fall. Encourage followers on social media to roll their sleeves up for an annual flu vaccine by featuring photos of your organization’s leader and community members with their #SleeveUp getting their flu vaccine or showing off their bandage from having gotten a flu vaccine. Use the included social media “frames” and other graphics to help promote flu vaccination to reduce flu illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths this fall and winter and save medical resources for the care of COVID-19 patients.

The Ad Council, the American Medical Association (AMA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the CDC Foundation launched a new campaign, No One Has Time for Flu, to encourage Americans to get vaccinated against flu. A campaign toolkit, including prepared social media messages and graphics, radio and television PSAs, and more now available.

 Additionally, below are several other resources from CDC’s flu vaccination campaign.