Recognition of the “Nurse as Agent” of the Prescriber in Long Term Care Settings
Policy F10
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that AMDA confirm its support of American Medical Association policy D-360.993 entitled “Recognition of the ‘Nurse as Agent’ of the Prescriber in Long Term Care Settings” which states “Our AMA will urge the US Drug Enforcement [Administration] to amend its regulations to recognize nursing staff as agents of the prescriber/physician in long term care facilities. (Res. 222, A-09)”;
AND BE IT RESOLVED, that AMDA urge the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to use its interpretative authority to recognize nursing staff as agents of the prescriber/physician in long term care facilities;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that AMDA support the efforts of the United States Senate Special Committee on Aging to pass the Long-Term Care Patients’ Access to Medically Necessary Controlled Substances Act of 2009 and similar legislation.